Order protective equipment and Wildland-certified garments direct from our Adelaide office
Buy direct from our Adelaide office
Read MoreS&H is proudly donating 500 S&H Comfort Koalas
S&H is proudly donating 500 S&H Comfort Koalas to the South Australian Country Fire Service
Read More1,000,000 Certified Wildland Garments
In July 2022, a significant milestone was reached for Stewart & Heaton Clothing Co. Pty Ltd (S&H) to manufacture it’s one millionth Certified Wildland Firefighting Garment. This milestone is essential not only for S&H but also for the Certified Products Program adopted by the Australasian Fire & Emergency Services sector. The journey to this milestone began many years ago, according to S&H’s Managing Director, Simon Stewart. “When we first started working with fire and land management agencies in the early 1990s, firefighters were essentially wearing yellow coloured cotton mechanics one-piece coveralls. It was thought back then that 100% cotton was all that was required to keep a firefighter safe. These garments did not contain any flame retardant properties, and there were no industry standards that advised otherwise.
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