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Order protective equipment and Wildland-certified garments direct from our Adelaide office

By Steven Kulibaba | September 17, 2023

Buy direct from our Adelaide office

R U OK Day September 8th – “A conversation could save a life”

By Steven Kulibaba | September 6, 2023

September 8th is U Y Ok? day. It is a great time to check in on those that might just need a friendly hello. It is a day when we remind Australians that every day is the day to  ask, ‘are you OK?’ 

S&H is proudly donating 500 S&H Comfort Koalas 

By Steven Kulibaba | August 24, 2023

S&H is proudly donating 500 S&H Comfort Koalas to the South Australian Country Fire Service

Asia Pacific Fire Magazine this month, which features an article on S&H

By Steven Kulibaba | October 3, 2022

A recent major milestone was reached for Stewart & Heaton Clothing Co. Pty Ltd (S&H) to manufacture it’s one millionth Certified Wildland Firefighting Garment. All S&H employees, both past and present, have contributed to this significant milestone, and we are proud of this marvellous achievement. Follow the link to Asia Pacific Fire Magazine this month,…

1,000,000 Certified Wildland Garments

By Steven Kulibaba | August 15, 2022 |

In July 2022, a significant milestone was reached for Stewart & Heaton Clothing Co. Pty Ltd (S&H) to manufacture it’s one millionth Certified Wildland Firefighting Garment. This milestone is essential not only for S&H but also for the Certified Products Program adopted by the Australasian Fire & Emergency Services sector. The journey to this milestone began many years ago, according to S&H’s Managing Director, Simon Stewart. “When we first started working with fire and land management agencies in the early 1990s, firefighters were essentially wearing yellow coloured cotton mechanics one-piece coveralls. It was thought back then that 100% cotton was all that was required to keep a firefighter safe. These garments did not contain any flame retardant properties, and there were no industry standards that advised otherwise.

Stewart and Heaton were delighted to host Joe Szakacs, the South Australian Minister for Police.

By Steven Kulibaba | August 8, 2022

MP Joe Szakacs visits our Adelaide facility.

We showcase Bodd technology at the AFAC22 Conference.

By Steven Kulibaba | August 2, 2022

Stewart and Heaton are excited to showcase the BODD scanning technology at this year’s AFAC Conference in Adelaide from the 23rd to the 26th of August.